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Unleash the Power of Next.js API Routes and Supercharge Your Web Development

Writer's picture: CODING Z2MCODING Z2M

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

Next.js API Routes

Next.js API Routes: In the fast-paced world of web development, building high-performance and scalable applications is paramount. Enter Next.js API Routes, a powerful feature that allows developers to effortlessly create serverless APIs within their Next.js applications. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the ins and outs of Next.js API Routes, uncovering how they can revolutionize your backend development workflow and enable you to build robust web apps. Let's dive in!

What are Next.js API Routes? Next.js API Routes serve as the bridge between the client-side and server-side of a Next.js application. With API Routes, developers can create custom serverless endpoints directly within their Next.js projects, eliminating the need for a separate backend server. This streamlined approach simplifies the development process, reduces complexity, and boosts overall performance.

Real-World Example: Building a Blogging Platform with Next.js API Routes:

Imagine you're tasked with building a dynamic blogging platform where users can create, read, update, and delete blog posts. You decide to utilize Next.js API Routes to handle the backend functionality. Here's how you can implement different API routes for various actions:

  1. Creating a Blog Post: You create a Next.js API Route at the endpoint "/api/posts/create". When a user sends a POST request to this endpoint with the necessary data, the API route handles the request, validates the input, and stores the new blog post in a database. This allows users to create new posts seamlessly through an API call.

  2. Retrieving a Blog Post: To retrieve a specific blog post, you set up a Next.js API Route at "/api/posts/[postId]". When a GET request is made to this endpoint with the appropriate postId parameter, the API route retrieves the corresponding blog post from the database and returns it as a response. Users can access specific blog posts by making requests to this API route.

  3. Updating a Blog Post: To update an existing blog post, you create a Next.js API Route at "/api/posts/update/[postId]". When a PUT or PATCH request is sent to this endpoint along with the postId parameter and the updated data, the API route identifies the targeted blog post, validates the changes, and updates the post accordingly in the database. Users can modify their blog posts by making requests to this API route.

  4. Deleting a Blog Post: For deleting a blog post, you set up a Next.js API Route at "/api/posts/delete/[postId]". When a DELETE request is made to this endpoint with the relevant postId parameter, the API route finds the specified post, removes it from the database, and returns a success message. Users can delete their blog posts by invoking this API route.

By utilizing Next.js API Routes in this blogging platform, you effectively separate the frontend and backend logic while maintaining a seamless user experience. Your Next.js application acts as both the client-side interface for users and the server-side backend for handling API requests. This approach simplifies the development process, improves performance, and provides flexibility for future enhancements or integrations with additional features such as user authentication or comment systems.

Overall, Next.js API Routes offer a robust solution for building efficient and scalable web applications, allowing you to create custom serverless endpoints that handle various CRUD operations with ease.


This code below appears to be defining three different functions (GET, PATCH, and DELETE) that handle different HTTP methods for an API endpoint related to events. Let's break down each function:

import { dbConnection } from "@/utility/db"; import Event from "@/models/event"; export const GET = async (req, {params}) =>{ try { await dbConnection(); const event = await Event.findById('eventCreator'); if(!event) return new Response("Event not found!", {status: 404}); return new Response(JSON.stringify(event), { status:200 }) } catch(error){ return new Response("Not able to fetch events", { status:500 }) } } export const PATCH = async (req, {params})=> { const { eventType, eventDesc, eventDate, venue, numberOfGuests, budget, serviceRequired, contact, image} = await req.json(); try { await dbConnection(); const existingEvent = await Event.findById(; if(!existingEvent) return new Response("Event is not found", {status:404}) existingEvent.eventType = eventType, existingEvent.eventDesc = eventDesc, existingEvent.eventDate = eventDate, existingEvent.venue = venue, existingEvent.numberOfGuests = numberOfGuests, existingEvent.budget = budget, existingEvent.serviceRequired = serviceRequired, = contact, existingEvent.image = image, await; return new Response(JSON.stringify(existingEvent), {status:200}) } catch(error){ return new Response("Falild to update", {status:404}) } } export const DELETE = async(req, {params})=> { try{ await dbConnection(); await Event.findByIdAndRemove(; return new Response("Event Deleted", {status:200}) }catch(error){ return new Response("Falild to delete", {status:404}) } }

Explanation: GET method: The GET function is an asynchronous function that takes the req (request) and {params} as its parameters. It first connects to the database using dbConnection() from the utility module. It then uses the Event model to find an event by its id, populating the eventCreator field. If the event is found, it returns a response with the event JSON data and a status of 200. If the event is not found, it returns a response with a message "Event not found!" and a status of 404. If any error occurs during the process, it returns a response with a message "Not able to fetch events" and a status of 500.

PATCH method: The PATCH function is also an asynchronous function that takes the req (request) and {params} as its parameters. It first extracts the relevant data from the request body using req.json(). It connects to the database using dbConnection(). Then, it attempts to find the existing event by its id. If the event is not found, it returns a response with a message "Event is not found" and a status of 404. If the event is found, it updates its properties with the new values provided in the request body. After saving the changes to the event, it returns a response with the updated event JSON data and a status of 200. If any error occurs during the process, it returns a response with a message "Failed to update" and a status of 404.

DELETE method: The DELETE function is an asynchronous function that takes the req (request) and {params} as its parameters. It connects to the database using dbConnection(). It then attempts to find the event by its id and removes it from the database using findByIdAndRemove. After successfully deleting the event, it returns a response with a message "Event Deleted" and a status of 200. If any error occurs during the process, it returns a response with a message "Failed to delete" and a status of 404.

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