Beginner's Guide: Node.js Backend Development with Express, MongoDB, TypeScript & JWT
Updated: May 3, 2023
In this blog post, we will explore the world of REST API development using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Typescript, and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) authentication. Building Blocks of Node.js Express REST API
How Express is used in Node.js & its Features
Asynchronous Programming in Node.js
Handling Requests & Responses in Node.js REST API with Express & Error Handling with asyncHandler
What is mongoose & its key features
Performing CRUD operations against MongoDB in Node.js REST API with Express & Mongoose
Useful Middleware in Node.js Express REST API
Using JWT in Node.js Express REST API
Benefits Defining Classes in a Node.js Express REST API
Testing HTTP Endpoints Using Jest and Supertest
Test-Driven Development (TDD) in Node.js Express App