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Building Job Board Website with React, Tailwind CSS, Firebase Hosting

Writer's picture: CODING Z2MCODING Z2M

Updated: May 10, 2023

Building a mobile first, responsive job board website with React, React Icons, React Router, Tailwind CSS, and Firebase Hosting is a great way to create a powerful and professional-looking job board that can help connect job seekers with potential employers.

React is a popular JavaScript library that enables developers to build dynamic, single-page web applications quickly and efficiently. React Icons is a library of free, open-source icons that can be easily integrated into your application, while React Router is a popular library for client-side routing in React.

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides a wide range of pre-designed components and styles to help developers build beautiful, responsive user interfaces quickly and easily. Firebase Hosting is a cloud-based hosting platform that makes it easy to deploy and scale web applications.

By combining these technologies, developers can create a job board website that is not only functional but also visually appealing, responsive, and easy to navigate. With React, developers can build reusable components and manage the state of the application efficiently. React Icons can be used to add attractive icons to the user interface, while React Router can help ensure that the website is easy to navigate.

Tailwind CSS can be used to style the user interface quickly and easily, without the need for custom CSS. Finally, Firebase Hosting provides a reliable, scalable hosting solution that can help ensure that the website remains available and responsive to users.

Plugins: ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets Tailwind CSS IntelliSense

Libraries: > npm i react-icons react-router-dom Tailwind CSS Configuration with React

React RouterRead More Note: Import 'BrowserRouter' in index.js and wrap the 'App' component with 'BrowserRouter'

Deploying into Firebase

Firebase Hosting:

- Creating a project in Firebase Installing Firebase 9: > npm install firebase > npm install -g firebase-tools Deploy to Firebase Hosting, run the following firebase commands: > firebase login > firebase init hosting - use 'build' as public directory when you are prompted. - Give 'Y' for configure as a single-page app option - Set up automatic builds and deploys with GitHub? Yes - Set up workflow to run a build script before every deploy? Yes

- Set up automatic deployment to your site's live channel when a PR is merged? Yes NOTE: After committing your changes in the GitHub, run 'build' and 'deploy' commands to update your firebase hosting. Note: If you are not able to find out your listed firebase projects, after selecting the 'firebase hosting' option, just run "firebase logout" and login again. Creating an optimized production build: Builds the app for production to the build folder. > npm run build > firebase deploy --only hosting

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